Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Why Public Hearings?

Most of the facts are known to anyone paying attention at this point so we are now going to have a spectacle designed to sway public opinion.

I don't think many opinions will be changed related to impeachment, maybe a few, but ultimately the following scenario is almost certain.

After the hearings the House will vote articles of Impeachment.  The Senate will conduct what is likely to be a sham trial and acquit the President.  There is a very small chance that when given the opportunity enough Senators may decide to vote for conviction but I doubt that very much.

So why are we bothering?

Its much more about the election than it is actual impeachment.  The hearings will highlight the President's behavior and it is clearly inappropriate.  Is it Impeachable?  Well he will be impeached but probably not convicted, so there is no answer to that question.

Still highlighting the actions may be persuasive to certain voters.

If enough voters in certain swing states decide they have had enough of this guy and his empty promises, it will suffice.

If not, well that's a different outcome.

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