Saturday, November 2, 2019

Techno 1984

One of the great fears of the post World War era was that personal privacy would be sacrificed as the State became more omnipresent.  The book 1984 detailed such a world but was inaccurate in its forecasts.

We have surrendered our privacy to big business, not big brother.

Of course big brother is there, but for various reasons has been constrained in its tracking.

Few such constraints apply to big business which knows what you are thinking, sometimes before you do.

It couldn't have happened without our cooperation and it was the rise of the Internet and computing power that was the real impetus.

Before them media was simply something broadcast and the information about effectiveness and preferences had to be obtained from things like focus groups.

Today they are pretty much aware of everything you do on-line and use it to target you.

It isn't going to stop, I'm not even sure the majority of us want it to.

The technological revolution has provided many benefits, privacy wasn't one of them.

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