Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Off Year Elections

Election held on off years don't include the "big" national offices but they still are elections with important State and local results.

How much of an indication are they for the even year elections is questionable unless of course a clear trend exists.

In general the elections confirmed that Democrats are doing well in traditional Republican suburbs but its not a done deal.

It did show that some of the factors that allowed the current President to run up big numbers in some States may be gone.

Still the electoral landscape would still make victory a possibility (the popular vote is probably going Democratic).  What a lot of television pundits seem to ignore, it might make them uncomfortable, is that a lot of the 2016 success was based on his anti-abortion and racist positions.  He tries to camouflage his racism, but he provides the racists plenty of signs.

This is in fact his real base and its probably unshakable, a racist isn't going to change easily and the anti-abortion group is fully committed.

Those groups are not enough to win the Presidency, he needs some dupes to think he is actually a conservative too.  He really isn't, look at his budget deficit and his centralization of power in the executive branch, two very not conservative things to do.

Of course he also ran against a very unpopular opponent which hopefully isn't going to be repeated.

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