Sunday, December 1, 2019

A Nation of Laws

Next week the Impeachment hearings go into another phase with the judiciary committee taking over.

Unfortunately it is probably a fairly meaningless exercise.

The facts have been clear for a while for anyone interested in the truth.

The President has violated any number of laws and constitutional prohibitions by using his office and public funds to further his private interests.  He has also engaged in obstruction of justice and as part of that witness interpretation.

The only thing that you can say he hasn't done is perjure himself since his lies weren't done under oath.

Now some of his defenders will argue that what he has done isn't an impeachable offence, with no real basis for that since the actions clearly violate the constitution.

Still there are arguments that seem to work with some of the American people which are simply strategies.  First they want to paint this as a Democratic witch hunt.  It turns out that it is almost exclusively a Democratic situation because of the stranglehold exerted on the Republican party by his base.  Because of the flaws in our primary system, it is fairly easy for a motivated group to either win or make life difficult in party primaries and since our congressmen and women are primarily interested in winning reelection, it is a powerful weapon.

Still it seems inevitable that impeachment will pass in the house but he won't be convicted in the Senate.

How this plays our in the general election remains to be seen.

We need to stay a nation of laws for our democracy to survive, if it can.

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