Saturday, December 28, 2019

Young People

Its easy as you age to criticize the younger generation.  After all, they generally don't listen to your advice and insist on doing the same stupid things you did when you were younger.

Of course this isn't universally true, but more true than not.

Some things have to be experienced to be learned.

If you touch hot things you will get burnt is a fairly universal example.

A lot of people like to act like the current generation of young people is the worst one yet.

It isn't, they are ultimately the same as all previous generations.

People respond to their surroundings, its why we have been so successful.

They may have a lot to learn, but didn't we all?

What I believe is inevitable is that as time passes they will become exactly what they need to be   The world is a bit different for them but they will manage to survive it.

Eventually they will have a younger generation to complain about.

The stupidest one ever.

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