Friday, December 13, 2019

Impeach and Release?

One of the problems with Impeachment is that it is essentially a political process, where it starts to seem like more shenanigans.

Especially when there is almost no real chance at getting a conviction.

The founders allowed a simple majority of the House to pass articles of Impeachment but a two thirds majority to convict.  It therefore seems like a political stunt to do the first with no legitimate chance at the second.

The current Impeachment is problematic because the high crime and misdemeanor here is not clear and convincing to many, i.e. a smoking gun.

Yes he tried to get the Ukrainians to investigate a potential rival and held up things they wanted, a meeting and military assistance to get them to comply.  He then failed to cooperate in the investigation.

It just doesn't shock that many people.  Watching the hearings the arguments revolve around whether these are even impeachable offenses.

They clearly are since the only standard is what the House decides but then again they don't resonate.

Part of the problem is the low regard Americans have for politicians of both parties.  Sure they lie and manipulate to get elected.  This just seems like more of the same.

Many Democrats were effectively looking for something they could impeach him for.  When this came up they had something but its not a smoking gun.  Its more like convicting a gangster of tax evasion.  Is it enough to persuade the American people?  Well once again it is breaking down based on politics.

He's guilty but to many it seems more like a slap on the wrist issue than a lose your job one.

If you like to catch and release when you fish this may be satisfying, just not getting any dinner.

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