Monday, December 23, 2019

The Malevolent Force

When you hear people talk about the unknown "they" who are ruining everything and destroying American values, it isn't just a figure of speech,

America, as just about everyone realizes, has some deep divisions.  Perhaps the one hardest to understand is the rift between views of reality.

I tend to think reality is the same for everybody.  However, it clearly isn't.

There are people who actually think that certain facts are manufactured for some reason.

In fact at the bottom of many people's realities is a belief in an unknown force that is malevolent.

For Nazi Germany it was Judaism which was determined to economically enslave everyone else.  While that lives on to some extent, we now have new villains to consider, the Deep State, Immigrants, the oligarchy, and scientists.

The need to fight back against these malevolent groups is clear if you can enter the correct reality.

It is unclear why they want to disrespect the American Flag or seize everyone's guns, but they do.

Some of the villains have clear motives, like big pharma wanting to make more money.

Its less clear why some are pushing things like climate change, but someone will figure it out.

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