Monday, December 16, 2019

Health Care

There are issues which should be debated in the election on actual facts, not lies.

Unfortunately lies are abundant and will continue to be used for the foreseeable future.

Still we can consider some facts.

Take health care.

Health Insurance isn't the issue, health care is.  We have a system where most Americans think they have adequate access to health care, until they actually use it.

Especially before the Affordable Care Act, health costs were the leading cause of individual bankruptcies as insurance companies found ways to deny care, set coverage limits and do everything they could to transfer costs to the individual.  Of course that was true if you had health insurance.

In all honesty, when someone needs significant health care his concern isn't about the ins and outs of his health plan.

We need a system where every person in this country can get the care he needs when he needs it and not base it upon some affordability criteria.  So who pays?  We all do obviously.

Health care is one of those things you can spend much of your life not needing.  Then you do.

Since at any one time you have large parts of the population not concerned about it, we have convinced many, especially young healthy people its not essential.

Until it is.

The system should simply allow every person to get the care they need.  Medical professionals should be paid based on the skills they have, not the patients they treat.

Is a basic need, not a way to get rich.

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