Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Voter Turnout.

The process we now use in this country to pick our candidates and ultimately our leaders and regulators is based on Democracy.

It is at best partially Democratic since we don't get 100% voter participation.

Whether people who don't bother to vote would make a significant difference in who gets elected is arguable, but there are enough of them that they could make a difference.

There have been some demographic studies that show that non-voters are less white, less wealthy and younger than voters.

Those factors would indicate that they are likely to be a more liberal group, on the whole, than voters which partially explains why one of our political parties is into voter suppression as a tactic.

So getting out more voters, as the Democrats did in 2018 but failed to do in 2016 would seem critical to winning that election.

How to get these voters interested in the process is the problem.

Many are so disgusted by politics in general that they don't thing voting is worthwhile.

Changing that perception might be key and maybe some of the policies that appeal to them need to be prominent.

Of course if you alienate current voters you may have a bigger problem.

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