Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year

Well the last day of another year and at least to those following the western calendar the chance to end some things and start new things tomorrow.

Of course in nature while it is related to the winter solstice and therefore the promise of spring the date is just another one in the series.

Still it is as good a time as any to reflect on what is good, what is bad and what needs to change.

Of course many will immediately think about the current administration but changes there will be decided by either the impeachment or the voters.

So what sort of resolutions do we need?

Well most of us and most of the world are aware that we face a potential catastrophe in our impact upon climate.  The few that deny this seem motivated by greed with the only rationale usually offered is that if we take the actions needed it will hurt our industry. 

It might and it might not.  We may very well lead the way to a better more efficient way to power the modern and future world.  To get there we have to move forward and create it. 

We also have the opportunity to embrace a new world of understanding for all people.  Too many want to enforce their own beliefs on others.  This type of bigotry is something that needs to be relegated to the past.

In addition to accepting people we need to assure everyone has access to the health care he or she needs.  Ideally we can progress towards a future that provides for the safety and security of all.

If that is not our goal, then what is?

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