Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Well He Served Himself

Pretty much everyone rationalizes their own bad behavior.

It starts early when toddlers often deny obvious bad actions.

I assume there re psychological theories about this, but in my view it is simply because we are all the central characters in our view of the world and we understand why we did what we did.

We wouldn't do bad things if we considered them bad or if we didn't think the good outweighed the bad.

Of course we might know that the action is viewed as a crime by society but it doesn't outweigh our internal calculations.

Now take the current Impeachment inquiry.  The actions taken are clear and the charges related to those actions are also clear, but fundamentally the other side says how could it be wrong if it was supposed to benefit the incumbent.

There were potentially many more possible charges and counts including obstruction of justice in the Russian probe but in order to move it along it was reduced to two which clearly happened,

Abuse of power when he used the office of the President to pressure a foreign country to investigate American citizens, who were not charged with any crimes in this country.

Obstruction of Congress, well documented by the President's own memo and instructions as well as numerous public statements.

He thinks these actions were OK, after all they were designed to protect him.

What could be more important?

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