Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Freeing the Guilty

One of the things that we have in this country are protections for the accused.

In fact those protections have grown over the years until proving guilt can be quite challenging, even when you actually have the guilty party.

If you don't confess and go to trial, with a good lawyer and enough money, you may very well get off on what we call a technicality.

Every action by law enforcement and the prosecution has to pass scrutiny that they didn't skip any steps or mishandle any evidence.

Further, we impose upon witnesses who often have to miss work, travel distances and wait around to repeat their account which can then be attacked by the defense.

Of course we then have the jury which is also inconvenienced and we certainly don't compensate them sufficiently.

The vast majority of cases get settled with a plea bargain because we probably couldn't; handle the workload of all those trials.

Yes the police make mistakes at times but in the vast majority of arrests the person they arrest is guilty.

The smart ones just don't admit it. It certainly improves their chances of getting off.

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