Sunday, December 8, 2019

Just Entertain Us

Life can be pretty boring for most people, and hard.

Childhood is usually a high point but not always.

At adulthood, we are usually asked to work, be responsible, settle down, raise children and other things which, even if fulfilling in many ways, are essentially boring.

This isn't new, its been the same essentially forever, and in many ways we have more comforts to make life a bit easier, however the boredom sets in and it shows.

Adultery and drug addiction are two symptoms

A third one is to watch shock shows on TV.

We live in the golden age of yellow journalism as the internet and the tremendous number of channels allow fringe views to spread.

Conspiracies, an evil "deep" state, shenanigan's by politicians and a general attack on our way of life has led to our unhappy state.

The fact that much of this is the idle ramblings of someone trying to get ratings and sponsors is irrelevant.

The fact that most of it isn't even true is also irrelevant.

Be entertaining by being shocking and you can get rich.

It worked back in the age of yellow journalism and it is working today.

It entertains us.

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