Thursday, December 5, 2019

All In

Its clear that the only defense the republicans have is to deny reality.

First pretend that the acts never happened.
Second pretend they served the national interest.
Third argue they aren't really of any importance.
Finally argue the whole thing is a political act based on party politics.

The arguments are not designed to make a legal difference only a political one. It might be working since much of the American public is willing to accept any argument that lets them vote like they want.

Since the outcome is predetermined the only thing that matters is public reaction.  Pretending anything else is foolhardy.

The proceedings like most other things in America need to be dumbed down the American public is not going to become more interested or increase their attention span.

To pretend otherwise it's possibly noble but ineffectual.

The Republicans learned this and have gone all in.

The Democrats bet next.

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