Friday, December 6, 2019

The Issues are the Issues

Nowadays people running for office are required, at least in some cases, to account for things that they did or didn't do, even when that event is simply routine life events.

I'm not talking about things which were crimes or which related to deeply felt political beliefs but simply actions which people do in the ordinary course of their lives.

Take a situation such as we have with Senator Elizabeth Warren who earlier in her life indicated on some documents that she had native American ancestry.

She does in fact have some but the amount is apparently inconsequential by some standards but was relying on some family traditions which spoke of it.

There is no evidence that she has specifically benefitted by this and she has never claimed tribal membership, however, it has led to her getting a nickname from the philanderer in chief and is almost guaranteed to become a prominent issue, at least at certain rallies if she becomes the Democratic nominee.

This obsession we have with inconsequential facts from people's past lives is ridiculous when you think about it.  The longer you have been alive and the more situations you have experienced. the more likely you are to have some things in your past that might be held against you.

God forbid they discover a photo or document detailing some foolishness you might have engaged in n school or elsewhere when you were still too young to know better.

What should matter, barring some real dark past is your current life and qualifications.

Of course with the rise of social media we will soon have a vast amount of opportunity to find "flaws" in the future.

You support Universal Health Care, but here is a picture of teenage you engaging in silly behavior!  Lets focus on that.

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