Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Boring Politics

If you follow the news you sometimes think that politics is something really important to Americans.

Well many Americans can't tell you who their elected representatives are.  Most are aware of who is President, hard not to notice, but not so much everyone else.

I'm sure there are plenty of surveys out there about this, but I simply check with young people I now and discover that they are much more interested in other things.

Life is what happens on a daily basis.  Certain things are related to politics but most things don't seem to be.

If you can't get a good paying job or if you can you probably don't think politics is the reason, although it might be.

I do think that most young people are concerned about climate change, how could they not be, but they tend to blame all politicians and older people without thinking about the politics involved.

One of the problems is how boring politics are.  Both the Impeachment hearings and the Democratic debates are hard to watch unless you are already committed.  Trump rallies on the other hand are much more entertaining.

Hopefully between now and the election we will find a way to energize Americans about the issues.

Arguing the finer points of how to achieve universal health care or other issues that are hard to follow won't do it.

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