Thursday, January 30, 2020


The question about Government revolves around who benefits from it.

If you consider what we know about its origins, and this is mostly speculative, Government formed as a way to make decisions for the group.

If you look at the practices of aboriginal tribes they tend to follow a pattern. Generally they have a leader and often a council of elders who decide major issues.  Finally they allow all members a vote on the most significant issues.

This is because the Government is actually designed to benefit the greatest good not one person's ego.

This form of Government changes as the tribe grows or in some cases when a single person is able to alter the tribe dynamics and make it about himself.

As civilization advanced, so to speak we have seen many variations on Government but fundamentally the issue always remains does the Government serve the people or do the people serve the Government?

Generally people in power tend to forget their role as public servants, especially when they live in a time when they become beholden to special interests.

Now there are always some problems in a society as it develops and because of wealth accumulation most societies evolve towards concentration of power.  We like to say things like all people are equal before the law, but obviously that is not true as the wealthy are much less likely to be convicted

The lack of equality results in discontent that expresses itself in various ways.  The solution is to restore equality.  Can that happen while wealth is so unequal?

Probably not but equalizing wealth is a true challenge.

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