Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Future

It should be noted that the two areas that continue to decline in this country are manufacturing and coal mining.

It is just cheaper to manufacture elsewhere and coal doesn't make sense anymore, there are cheaper alternatives.

This has impacted and continues to impacts certain areas of this country disproportionately and the solution is not a return to a past that is long gone but movement into the future.

There are already areas that have transitioned into new industries and abandoned most of the old.

Jobs in the service sector don't offer the same level of income and security for the unskilled as our old manufacturing economy used to.

The transition is therefore going to require that the Government fill some of the gaps in things like health care and pensions that have been created.

The alternative is a further increase in income inequality as those with the right skills or right connections do well and everyone else doesn't.

At this point people are being warned against voting for their own self interests with scare tactics and social issues.

We are a country of and for the people, so what serves them is what is right for America.

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