Wednesday, January 8, 2020

State of the Union?

There is a scheduled stat of the union address coming up and without any advance knowledge except the general behavior of this President we know he will declare himself the Greatest of All Time.

Obviously he isn't, except in his own mind and in a few of his fervent followers.

The most surprising thing about his administration is that it hasn't resulted in more disastrous results.

The one place he likes to take credit is on the economy which in some respects remains strong.  It was strong when he replaced the previous President and while the stock market has continued its rally it is in some respects not as good.  Because of the tariffs and trade wars we have seen negative impacts on farmers and some manufacturing.  Some of this was offset by a tax reduction that contributes to the high deficit but most Americans are not worse off, some got richer and we continue to transition from manufacturing to service.

We do have that deficit to deal with and it is potentially devastating.

Concerning foreign affairs we are clearly much worse off than we were.  We were used by North Korea and provided them with a lot of propaganda.  Our allies no longer trust us.  The middle east is getting worse.  We did continue our policy which came close to eliminating ISIS but after our betrayal of the Kurds and our recent behavior is troublesome.  Its hard to imagine anyone thinking we are better off.

His behavior in the Ukraine was clearly self serving and has led to articles of Impeachment.  While he is likely to be acquitted on political grounds but the behavior has been confirmed.

Domestically some areas might depend on your political perspective, like abortion. Others like hate crimes, health care, tax fairness, gun control, social justice, we see nothing good.

Finally, everyone agrees that the country is more divided than anyone would want.  When you get elected due to a quirk in our constitution after losing the popular vote significantly, you should probably consider the desires of the majority.

He doesn't.

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