Saturday, January 18, 2020

Saturday Musings

I suppose this is true everywhere and it might even be worse in other countries.  The Media has to find things to print or air that creates interest.  There are really a fairly small number of new interesting things every day so we rehash things until they basically liquify.

Take the upcoming Impeachment trial.  The issue is really did the President perform the actions he is accused of and if so are they serious enough to warrant dismissal.

It has even started yet but the amount written about it and aired about it on a daily basis is tremendous.

This isn't the only thing, we see coverage of the Democratic primaries that never seems to end when we haven't had a single one yet.

Apparently the Iowa caucus goers are incredibly shallow since the failure of a few Senators to campaign in person because of the Impeachment might cause them to lose.

I gather it the hand shaking that matters in that State.

Iowa has been a State for a long time and while many of us think of it as mostly farmland (all States generally are) or as a place where there is trouble in River City, it has a population that is as smart as the rest of the country generally.  It isn't the most diverse state, but I would think the voters can make up their minds knowing their favorite candidate has other obligations.

In fact the right wing of the country thinks the whole Impeachment is a scheme to keep Senators away so Biden can win.

The right wing of our country has become truly enamored of conspiracies and while they must miss the Clintons, they are finally moving on a bit.

They sheer amount of repetition they use to try to get these outrageous things into the public consciousness is a bit ingenious.

Its worked in the past, but maybe we are on to them this time around.

Time will tell.

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