Thursday, January 9, 2020


I read a lot of "exposes" talking about inequality and how this group or some other group has failed to be diverse enough.  Accepting the conclusion the question has to be who is at fault?

Take the Democratic candidates running for office.  It looks like with the exception of Andrew Yang the field is not going to be very diverse.  It clearly isn't going to be reflective of the Democratic party so who is at fault.  Well the public is.  The rules for participation were pretty clear and even fair, up to a point, but the candidates who will be on the stage met the levels for donations and polling.

Well we donate and respond to polls so the people up their were selected by us.  Maybe the rules were biased, maybe not, or maybe we are simply unhappy with the result, or at least the media is.  Still while clearly the results aren't very diverse, maybe we want it that way.

Similarly I see various organizations attacked for not being diverse enough.  Now when you have a single person doing the selecting its clear who's responsible.  Still even then it becomes an issue of qualified candidates.

In other organizations it becomes a matter of individual choice.  With the latest round of firings and hires and fires I see that the NFL is not diverse enough when it comes to head coaches.  Since each team makes their own selection one would realize the team owners are responsible, but not really as a group.  Were the head coaches hired the best possible?  Probably not but you would have to examine the details of each selection.  All you can really do is provide the opportunity to compete.  Would I like to see a more diverse group?  I would be fine with that, but I also realize each team is trying to win, not solve some social issue.

Yes, embedded racism is most likely the reason for a lack of diversity in these positions, but you can't eliminate racism at the top without addressing it at the bottom.  Too many minorities start off with a disadvantage in income and education to compete.  We really need to solve those causes.

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