Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Time For It

I suppose if you just believe there is some sort of conspiracy trying to destroy the American way of life you are going to also accept theories about the deep state and people trying to stop prayer in the schools or elsewhere.

Of course the people doing this are not easily identified except as they.

They are ruining our way of life, disrespecting the flag, corrupting out youth, etc.

Interestingly the ancient Greeks executed Socrates for corrupting their youth, so its been going on a long time.

There is of course an identifiable source of all this.  Its been around for ever and is constantly disrupting things.

Its a force that is just about irresistible, although over the years many have tried to stop it.

They failed and those trying today will also fail.

Change is the problem and it simply can't be stopped.

It can be delayed but never stopped.

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