Tuesday, January 28, 2020

They Should Know Better

One of the strangest things about the current administration is how often they get things wrong and how bad they are at it.

In just the last few days we see the Secretary of State accusing a reporter of confusing Bangladesh with the Ukraine, and of breaking an agreement about topics.  She obviously knows where the Ukraine is and has text messages that contradict the agreement.

In DAVOS the Treasurer repeated the disproved idea that tax cuts pay for themselves.  They never have and never will, they enrich a few who get them.

Maybe the worst is the arguments made by the defense that no one has first hand knowledge of the "Quid Pro Quo" question about Ukraine the day after such a person was identified.

Its like catching your toddler surrounded by spilt cookies with crumbs on his lips but still saying it wasn't him.

They could probably all use a timeout.

Of course none of this was necessary and maybe the lesson here is that the leadership is so toxic that they can't find competent people for important positions.

I was watching a series about World War II where in the second half of the war, Hitler convinced that everyone around him was incompetent or disloyal decided to take charge.  It not likely that the outcome would have been different but time after time he issued idiotic commands that cost thousand of lives.

He was convinced he knew better than his Generals.

He clearly didn't.

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