Friday, January 3, 2020


Was the United States justified in assassinating Qassem Soleimani?

We are not at war with Iran or Iraq and our decision to bomb his vehicles in a foreign country is not justified by any normal rule of war.

Of course if you classify him as a terrorist and justify it on those grounds it may have some validity.

Was he a terrorist?  Well he was no friend to the US and may have provided some support to groups we consider terrorist, but it should be noted he was a high level official in the Iranian Government and was not accused of War Crimes in any recognized tribunal.

For us to determine he was a terrorist, and send an air strike into Iraq to kill him sounds a bit like a terrorist action itself..

What if Iran was to decide to execute American officials in retaliation?  They may not have the means but would our action give them that right?

Perhaps there are more details to come but on the facts it looks a lot like a terrorist attack.

If the rule is we did it because we can, well that isn't a great defense.

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