Thursday, January 16, 2020

Sexist Politics?

People are of course entitled to their own opinions and in this country they even have the right to express them freely.  There may be some people who think a woman running for President faces challenges that a man doesn't.

We only have one example of this and that woman got a lot more votes than the man but lost because of the electoral college.  Even there, the number of votes that decided the election in a few states were a very small number.  It is certainly possible that some men and maybe women too, voted against her because of her sex.  I suppose some voted for her for the same reason.  Did it impact that election?  Maybe.

It would be non-sensical for anyone to think that a woman couldn't win an election, one already did per the popular vote.

So did Bernie Sanders take that position in 2018  It seems very unlikely both based on his progressive record, his experience in losing to a woman and common sense.

It also seems clear that Elizabeth Warren heard something that made her think he did say it.  Perhaps he did say it in some context which we don't have.  It doesn't make sense on its face which makes it difficult to believe.

More importantly it doesn't matter.  If in fact he thinks any group can't be elected, that's his right.  I didn't think America would elect a black president until they did.  My opinion wasn't based on my beliefs but rather my interpretation of the country as a whole.  How does this reflect anything about me except my wrong analysis?

If the view was that a group was unfit to be president, that might be newsworthy, but thinking they might lose seems like a simple prediction.

Why Warren even brought it up is political and why the media is playing it up is, well its the media.

Who really cares?

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