Sunday, January 5, 2020

Increasing Danger

Its impossible at this point to determine the full consequences of our recent assassination of a foreign General we are not at war with.  It Is at the very least a strong recruitment tool for various terrorists groups. The claims that this saved American lives is probably specious and of course without further information we will never know, but considering the lie record of this President it is likely false.

We see our country now on a heightened level of alert and everyone expects retaliation of some sort.  How much this will escalate the fighting in the middle east is unpredictable, but we have a President throwing fuel on the fire with ongoing public threat that sound a lot like rhetoric you usually hear for terrorist leaders or petty tyrants.

He may qualify as both.

The justifications for this assassination are not very convincing and certainly not based on sound legal doctrine.  The idea that it was done in self defense is just not very credible.  He was certainly providing advice and guidance to various militias operating in Syria and Iraq but that is nothing new and there is no evidence it was aimed at us in particular.  It is also unlikely that his death will make much difference since the people planning these events are still there.

It is very likely that plans will not be made to target American interests more than before.  It has made the world and this country less safe for Americans.  It is also likely to be the total end of any compliance with the nuclear deal they agreed to.

 Not too long ago there was a movie called "Real Genius" about students at I believe MIT .  In the movie they learned that Government project they were working on was for a weapon that would allow the military to assassinate foreign enemies from space, and they proceeded to effectively sabotage it.  The general idea of using science as an instrument of assassination was abhorrent to them.

Of course science has always enhanced our ability to kill each other and the movie while funny was naïve.  The research would go on despite their actions and our ability to kill remotely would grow.

Of course that is a double edged sword ultimately.

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