Sunday, January 26, 2020


Many if not most Americans are looking at the Impeachment hearings and it seems like a lot of politics and not much crime.

The two crimes being charged are serious but in many people's view just more dirty politics.

Using a foreign power, or lies or manipulating the media to get elected all seems like the stuff politicians do, some just get caught.

One of the problems is that this particular President hasn't been shy about his behavior.

When you find a smoking gun because he hands it to you it loses some shock value.

The phone call was made but clearly he would be expected to talk to foreign leaders.  Delaying the aid is allowed under certain circumstances which didn't apply here, but that seems like a technicality.

So the crimes are not clear from the acts (like the Watergate burglary) but from the interpretation of the acts.

This turns it from a purely objective issue into a bit of a subjective one and that is a problem.

Cynical Americans see the two parties diametrically opposed and think this is just more politics.

I don't know if more witnesses confirming the events will convince the public.  It won't sway the Senate.

He did what he is accused of and a lot of people aren't sure its any worse than what the rest do.

We are too cynical.

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