Saturday, April 25, 2020


In the book 1984 by George Orwell we are introduced to a world where truth is manipulated and the population is controlled by an authoritarian regime.

When I first read it I thought of it as a far fetched vision of a future that would never happen.

Unfortunately, some of the things in the book seem to have been adopted currently.

Truth has in many minds become subjective and as the book predicts, you see people believing what they are told to believe, even if it contradicts what they were told yesterday.

The trouble is that the true believers believe, and if you contradict them you are lying.

Black is white, facts are changeable, and you have to simply believe in your "prophet" so to speak.

If you declare that everyone lies and records are altered then there is no truth.

The virus will just disappear to I was the first one to realize it was a Pandemic are not contradictory statements but simply truth as provided on different days.

If you study history, especially Roman history, you will notice that the change from a democracy to an empire was a process, not a single event.  What is outrageous today becomes normal tomorrow.

Are we too far gone?  It's hard to say but we have a core who simply toe the party line and accuse everyone else of being sheep for believing in science and reality.

Did we land on the moon?  Maybe not.  Is the world round?  Maybe not.  Do vaccinations help people?  Not so fast.

You have to wait for truth to be revealed by the leader before you say.

Check your reality each day, it changes.

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