Thursday, April 9, 2020

Socialism, Communism and More

One of the things some people like to say is that socialism just doesn't work.  Of course they usually then cite examples from communist countries.

Communism is at heart a socialist system but it adds a lot of political items that have nothing to do with Socialism per se.  Its based on the writing of Karl Marx and subsequently altered by the Bolsheviks in Russia who sent many socialists to prison camps.  It supposes the end of all private property and a dictatorship of the Proletariat.

As bad as it was it actually sort of worked although its socialism soon disappeared as powerful party officials became the privileged.

Socialism on the other hand was likely the first system adopted by early humans as they organized into clans.  I remember studying modern day tribes in Anthropology that essentially practiced a form of socialism in distribution of goods and services.  Hunters would share kills among all tribe members, gatherers similarly shared there product and when need all helped the weak with building structures etc.  They took care of each other, although there was of course a pecking order.

In modern society we have the example of many European Countries that have implemented systems with socialist overtones and some capitalism  Incentive are preserved as the wealthy can indeed accumulate a percentage of wealth although they pay high taxes.   These taxes pay for everyone's health care, social welfare and education.  They are prosperous and generally do well in measure of material and spiritual well being.

At one time we had a marginal tax rate of as much as 75% and it didn't stop investment or wealth growth.

We are supposed to have a democratic form of Government.  It was not a pure democracy since it was designed to protect certain interests. Almost no one in this country is proposing a communist Government.  Progressives want to reduce the wealth inequality, provide health care and education to all and shore up our retirement system.

For everybody.

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