Thursday, April 9, 2020

Decisions Matter

It seems that in every election now young people need to learn one lesson, that there is a real choice even if it isn't your ideal choice.

If you support progressive values such as universal health care, improved social programs, better immigration policies etc. failure to support the better option doesn't just mean status quo, it means lost ground.

Especially if you consider Climate Change to be a major issue.

We have spent four years essentially losing ground as measure were not implanted and others were rolled back.

To some extent the damage done in four years might be reversible, but another four years may doom this country for a generation.

Especially if you look at the Supreme Court nominees.  We have already guaranteed a conservative court for many years.  Another few appointments will possibly institutionalize it.

Consider the courts decision to force Wisconsin voters to show up in person this past Tuesday.  It wasn't based on anything in the constitution and is going to cost lives because of a political bias.

There were and are real differences between the candidates.

Good is not the same as better but its much better than bad.

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