Monday, April 20, 2020

Media Distortion

Have you ever considered why so much of the news is distorted if not actually fake.

Take the weekend protests in a number of states about stay at home policies.

These were organized by certain groups and led to crowds of various sizes to protest.

Now ignoring the actual motivations of these people what we tended to see in the news reports were a few interviews with the organizers or spokespeople, a response and various pictures of the protest.

What you didn't get was actual number or estimated number of protestors in most accounts.

I did see one account where it was reported to be a few dozen people at one protest.

Also the majority of the photos were taken to emphasize the signs and busiest parts
it sof the protest.

The point being that to get the article published it had to be sensational.

This is what led to yellow journalism at one time and unfortunately much of our current coverage.

So everything covered tends to get exaggerated as much as possible to get picked up and published.

If you are reviewing two free lance stories, one showing a few scattered people standing around with signs and another covering the same thing with the same crowd but more focused pictures, you would publish the latter.

They always go for the sensationalism to get attention or clicks in today's world.

Its what sells.

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