Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Safety First

There is some encouraging news out of Oxford about a potential vaccine, but of course it isn't ready or proven yet.

On the other hand we have a dog who caught the virus in North Carolina.  So household pets are at risk but so far we are infecting them and not vice versa, at least as far as we know.

There are lots of issue that have to be dealt with  that have some real urgency.

First is getting people back on the payrolls and giving them a way to make a living.

Second is assuring that all Americans get a chance to vote.

We continue to see a widening gulf in this country between classes.  Many people who work in offices and similar jobs are in fact able to work remotely, at least to some extent.

Manual workers have to be there.  You can't drive buses, lift boxes, make products remotely, at least not yet.

Essential workers had to continue working and while some got infected, most did not.

Until there is an effective vaccine we need to make sure that the workers are protected with the measure that are proven to work.

It won't be risk free, but then again it never was. Voting is not as complex unless you don't want everyone to vote.

We clearly can send all registered voters a ballot with a unique code that they can use to vote and return by mail or in person.  One vote, one person.

Of course this would lead to allegations of voter fraud, although mostly they mean too many people got to vote.

One vote, one person is just right.

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