Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Ounce of Prevention

Most people tend to think of themselves as special, and of course to themselves they are.

To the rest of the world not so much.

To the virus, not at all.

Its one of the things about life, you live and then you don't.

It doesn't matter if you are ready or not, it will come to an end.

Still we can do what we can to prolong it and avoid obvious risks.

Which brings us to the issue about masks.  Initially the advice was that masks do not protect healthy people they only keep sick people from spreading the disease.

Of course that would protect healthy people.

Since the virus is apparently spread by people with no symptoms, we want those people to wear a mask.  Since those people aren't identified everyone might be on.

So everyone should wear a mask.

They don't weigh much so literally they are that ounce of protection.

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