Saturday, April 18, 2020

Safe Reopening

The ideal situation is one where we can reopen the economy and return to the way we were before the outbreak.

To do that without a vaccine or instant testing is foolhardy.

However, we do know that social distancing and protective measures reduce the chances of catching the virus significantly so it seems that industries that can operate like that might be able to reopen.

On issue is public transportation and where we have it we would need strict rules about wearing masks and capacity.

Realistically a crowded subway car might only need one offender to become a hotspot of transmission.

So masks and sanitizers have to be available and used.

While still a risk, individuals can in fact protect themselves if they act prudently.  If they don't but others do they may still be safe, similar to herd immunity.  Those who don't protect themselves will be at risk, but even then the odds are the virus will result in mild to moderate symptoms.

Will they infect their families or elders?

Possibly, but there is a limit to what we can do to protect people who refuse to listen.

There were always effective ways to avoid STDs, AODs and other diseases.

Some just didn't listen.  That won't change but there has to be a level of individual responsibility.

With adequate safeguards we should be able to cautiously open compliant industries and public services allowing remote workplace to the maximum extent.

Life simply comes with certain risks, but knowing what they are can help you avoid them.

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