Monday, April 13, 2020

Stay Careful

Are essential workers in more danger than people self isolating?

Of course they are.

It is unfortunately a risk that someone has to take to provide essential services.  Should they be preotected?

Of course they should.

They should be provided all the tools they need to stay safe.  Still, the primary responsibility for each of us, rests with us.

Wearing PPE, hand washing, maintaining social distancing, and other behavior is the individuals responsibility to a large extent.  Providing them the opportunity to stay safe is everyone's.

One would like to think that by now we are all practicing common sense preventative measures, wearing masks in public, avoiding face touching, washing hands often, sanitizing what we can.

Supplies may be somewhat limited and they should be diverted first to essential workers.

Some workers have been impacted already, although it is also possible that transit workers, grocery personnel, and others contracted the virus outside of the workplace.

They should be provided the PPE they need and they need to be careful.

Everyone does.

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