Tuesday, April 14, 2020


You would like to think that in a time of crisis the objective would be to save people's lives, improve supplies, and work for the best outcomes.

If you simply work with that motivation you may at times take heat or be criticized but you would know you were doing your best.

We are where we are and dredging up how we got here is better left to the future where perhaps an analysis can point out things we can do better next time.

For various reasons related to geography I sometimes get to see up to 5 briefings today on the situation, Federal, State, City and local counties.  Four of them are primarily focused on the latest changes, what we should be doing, what are the ongoing plans and progress made.  Sometimes reporters like to bring up things that might be controversial and generally its not that hard to address, even at times admitting a previous error.

One of the briefings, while at times imparting important information has turned into more of a campaign rally, while complaining about how other are politicizing the situation.

It has further degenerated into petty bickering, silly presentations about how everything they did was perfect and how good his ratings are.  Yes the experts there sometimes get to talk but they are required to, as we say, kiss the ring or perhaps a different part of his anatomy.

This perverted view that the thousands of victims both past and future are less important than his ego is signs of a mental defect.

Its called Narcissism.

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