Monday, April 6, 2020

Bad Decisions?

Everyone always loves 20-20 hindsight since everything becomes so clear.

The other interesting phenomena is that when tough controversial choices need to be made there are always some people who support the one not taken, and they can point that out if they end up being close to correct.

It may not be a popular thing, but we have always sacrificed lives because of economics.

Are we going to stockpile everything we might possibly need for every possible emergency?

We are not, it would be too expensive.

So generally those in charge of those things work on probability analysis.  We couldn't afford the alternative.  

So when something happens on the fringe of the probabilities, people will die because.

No one wants that to happen but we run out of money.

I'm not saying mistakes weren't made and that more mistakes won't be made.  Unfortunately projections are pretty grim, but they could be grimmer.

We love to blame people for things we don't like, its human nature.  Just try to remember, many individuals ignored warning and added a lot of risk into the process.

Some of them gambled and lost.

Its sad but its also our nature.

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