Friday, April 10, 2020

Real Choice

Throughout History Government has varied from serving the interests of a few to serving the interests of the many.

Sometimes the first type is violently overthrown, i.e. the French Revolution.

You would think it would be easy to tell the difference but not always.

Is our current Government serving the interests of the many or just the few?

A few recent candidates have maintained that the big corporations have bought the Government and actually run things.

Considering the role of money in getting elected they may have a valid point.

Everyone running for office claims to represent all of their constituents while clearly some do not..

Lets be clear, we have elections and to some extent we are a Democracy.

Not a pure one, but rather a representative democracy where some votes count more than others.

The question everyone should ask themselves is what kind of democracy they want?

One in which a minority can impose their will on the majority or a true one?

Consider that you may in fact be part of a minority now or in the near future.  However, if we ignore superficial qualities such as skin color, national origin, religion, income level, etc. we can join a majority of fair minded people who support the greatest good for the greatest number.

Its a choice we all have to make.

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