Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Attention Loving

Sometimes it seems like our President is simply living a delusional world that resembles the 1950s or maybe and earlier period.

One example is his decision, which he denies, to have his name printed on the stimulus checks going out.

I imagine his thought process goes something like this.

The stimulus check arrives in the mail and the family is called to gather round the kitchen table to admire this wonderful gift,  They all take time to admire the bounty and particularly note the signature of their great benefactor.  Of course he can't actually sign the check so his name is in the memo field.

How delusional can you be?

The vast majority of the checks are going via electronic transfer to peoples bank accounts.  The relatively few physical checks will be almost immediately deposited.

Its been quite a while since I've seen one of these but if you consider that the names on dollar bills are almost universally ignored I doubt it would mean hardly anything except of course the press has made a big thing about it.

So while no one was likely to have noticed his name, the Press has now been manipulated into giving him a ton of free publicity, even if most of it is negative.

Once again the only real talent he has is displayed, how to get attention in the media.

He has effectively spent his life promoting himself and he continues to do so.

It wont stop anytime soon, in his mind he will always be the greatest and he will keep telling us that, whether he gets re-elected or not.

We keep paying attention, which is on us.

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