Tuesday, April 7, 2020


I see a certain amount of believers talking about how God will get us through this.  Of course by that logic he/she would be responsible for doing this in the first place.

It is of course a part of human nature that we want to have some control over events we simply don't control.

Don't get me wrong, we can do the smart things like keep social distancing, wear masks, self isolate if we have symptoms, but the disease itself was simply a plague unleashed on us.

We see some politicians wanting to blame the country it originated in as if viruses (viri?) had nationalities.  They don't respect or even know our human borders.

Find someone to blame for things that just happen.  It makes us feel better.

Life is sometimes very hard on us.  Many things happen that seem capricious.  Babies are born with terrible diseases or heart wrenching condition when clearly they did nothing wrong.  As we learn more we see sometimes its in our DNA which raises the question of whether we should consider genetic testing to weed out some diseases.  Of course the concept of eugenics has some very bad history even though ignoring issues like race, sex and nationality it could lead to healthier babies.

This desire to change the future is the fundamental reason for the existence of gods.  It is likely that our very ancient ancestors found that when they did certain things it led to an abundance of game.  Similar to how superstitious baseball players tend to keep routines as long as they are winning.  At some point someone became the keeper of the rituals and we had the beginning of priests.

This ritualization grew more and more elaborate and ultimately became more and more refined.

Since things would sometimes go wrong we needed to invent sin to explain it.

Its just evolution after all.  Complexity evolves to meet needs.

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