Friday, June 5, 2020

Black Lives Matter

No one is saying black lives matter and others don't.  They are saying black lives matter as much as everyone else.

The history of this country clearly demonstrates that this hasn't been true.  It's time that every person regardless of race, sex, religion or any other difference gets treated with respect.

We live in a country where many minorities live in areas that have high levels of drug use and crime.  This isn't by choice, it was either the best they could afford or we steered them there.

The children are sent to sub par schools and we see generation after generation faced with poor prospects, ongoing racism and the prospect of being shot down for next to nothing by police who at times act like an occupying force.

What is actually remarkable is how many of them hold down jobs, support their families and strive to find the American dream.  Some have succeeded against the odds.  Others lured by money or acceptance find their way into gangs and drug use.

Its not that different than it was in the early part of this century when we saw the rise of various ethnic gangs like the mafia.  

Violence is bad and that includes violence against any citizen.  Some have given police too much latitude is treating innocent black men badly.  

Black lives matter.  The fact that it needs to be said is the sad part.

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