Sunday, June 7, 2020

Return to Normal?

There will be a time, hopefully soon, when we return to normal life.

The question is how will it be different than it was before we had the virus and the demonstrations.

It won't be exactly the same, or at least it shouldn't be.

Expect to see many people wearing face masks for the foreseeable future.  This is a strategy that seems to have had significant success in some Asian countries, Japan in particular.  Of course once there is a vacine or at least an effective treatment it is only prudent.

Some act like wearing a mask is a political statement.  Its a health statement.  If you choose to believe it doesn't work don't wear one.

Even with the mask some social distancing is likely to continue.

More working from home, less handshakes and fewer in person meetings.  Oddly this was a trend before the virus that will now be expedited. 

I think the explosion in home deliveries may very well continue as people have gotten used to them.  It may be a sign of the future as we move more and more towards a gig economy.

The bigger question is going to be interaction with the Police.  There has to be changes, especially with regards towards our minority communities.  We need to live in an America where the police make you safer than you would be otherwise.

Yes they need to apprehend criminals and in our culture there is a surplus of violence going around.  How to protect the police and the public is the challenge.  

One would think not strangling the public would be a good first step.

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