Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Justice for George Floyd

There is a lot of reason to believe that the part of the George Floyd protests getting the most attention, the rioting is being pushed by groups unrelated to the actual protests.  How true that is and who these groups are is still to be determined, but we do have videos and some arrests of people solely out to do mayhem.

The point is that the idea would be to divert from the main point about the situation.  Young Black men are killed by police far to often for almost no reason at all.

Violence is bad and killing someone is the worst violence.  Protests are appropriate but in todays age there are groups determined to keep chaos supreme. It certainly isn't clear that this has anything to do with the actual protesters, but the message of that protest is being subverted.

The problem with many of the protests, as I see it, is that they were organized by well meaning people who were unprepared or unequipped to control agitators.  Someone has to de-escalate what is going on without losing the message that the system still results in too many examples of injustice.

Will justice prevail?  The odds are against it but it has a chance.  What constitutes justice is open to debate.

Legally third degree murder is probably the right charge but for some it isn't.

Preventing this in the future is also important.  Police have a tough job but they need to serve and protect all people.

Us vs Them is simply wrong.

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