Monday, June 15, 2020

The Stink of the Electon

One of the things that has changed, or at least it seems so to me, is the way we act towards people we disagree with.  

For example if you favor providing health care to everyone and someone else doesn't, you can argue the facts or attack their character.  The questions should be about how to pay for it and if it is affordable, not that the person taking the other position is a despicable crook.

Of course while it didn't just start it seems like in the last election we saw a significant escalation, first in the Republican primaries then in the general election.  Baseless accusations of criminal activities and chants of lock her up may have had an impact on the outcome and while she has never been charge or certainly convicted of any illegal activity, many people in this country believe in her guilt.

There are a couple of factors in play here, first the internet and the ability of lies to be widely circulated.

There is really no question in my mind that the Republican candidate last time was probably the least qualified person at every debate, but the use of name calling and wild claims seemed to be enough. 

It doesn't seem like we are going back to civility any time soon so the fact is we might just have to live amid the garbage being spewed for a few cycles.  

It will only stop when it doesn't work.

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