Sunday, June 14, 2020

Stop Shooting Black Men for Nothing

From what I understand of the incident in Atlanta, a young black man, possibly drunk, fell asleep in a drive thru lane in his car.  Now sleeping in a drive thru lane is generally not very polite, but it was at most an inconvenience as other customers had to drive around his car.

It turned into a capital offense.  

Now it was likely he was guilty of a DUI but its hard to determine how these things escalate so quickly.  Should he have cooperated with the police, clearly but he had never got his burger and frosty so you can understand why he was upset.

They tased him twice but he managed to get ahold of one of the tasers and may have discharged it at one of the officers.  He then started to run away at which point deadly force was employed.

Considering that he was likely drunk or under the influence of some substance running from multiple police in Wendy's parking lot, you have to wonder what led to the need for this.

They may have already got his name, they had his car and while a DUI and resisting arrest are significant charges, they don't merit the death penalty.

Maybe the one officer who had lost his Taser was so upset that he simply lost it.  He has been fired and may be charged.

Rayshard Brooks was probably no angel and he certainly shouldn't have fallen asleep in a drive thru lane.  Maybe someone had a complicated order that took too long.

He won't do it again.

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