Friday, June 19, 2020

Sinking Ship?

Most of the rats are staying loyal, but a few have fled. They probably can't tell the ship is sinking because they have been allowed to move to the upper decks of this administration.

Rats tended to be forced to live below the lowest deck since they weren't considered passengers so when the water would start to rise they were among the first to know.

Still, its hard for many republican politicians to buck the President because he does have his rabid supporters who are fine with his MAWA(Make America White Again) program.

He only got elected because a system designed to protect slavery originally (the electoral college) got him elected by the narrowest of margins.

Of course he liked the maps showing the one that made it look like he dominated since the red states occupy significant space.  However you represent people, not geography and the majority of the people voted for someone else.

A series of unfortunate events allowed him to win a few states by very narrow margins and squeek out an electoral college victory.

His is trying to recreate them but so far its not looking good.

Hopefully it Good Riddance.

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