Monday, June 29, 2020

Incompetence and Dereliction of Duty!

By almost any standard our current President is responsible, at least in part, for killing more Americans than any other.  One could argue about whether a President is responsible for war deaths, it might depend a bit on the war, Vietnam yes, WW2 no, but when inadequate preparation or mismanagement are the cause the blame is clear.
How many Americans died or will die from the Coronavirus because of his actions than would have?
By almost any comparison we have lost more per capita than any other country.  It is probably safe to say that had we been reasonably prepared we would have had half as many deaths.  So that means 60,000 deaths for his incompetence.
Worse, we are seeing great increases in cases when most of the world has figured out how to contain it.  I don't want to excuse the misguided State officials who failed to do what they should have, but the leadership encouraged them so I will give him half the blame.
He of course wants to blame almost everyone else. 
I guess, for at least now, it is spreading among younger people who don't die at the same rate as older folks due, keeping the mortality rate down.  It is spreading so rapidly that it is hard to imagine it won't spread to more vulnerable population groups.  Let's hope not.
Now lower in numbers but more devious are those that died because they had a Russian Bounty on their head.  He claims he wasn't briefed but no one can believe that.  How would they not brief the President on a matter like that.
This is clearly a betrayal of those troops and a failure as Commander in Chief.  Incompetence is bad enough but betrayal is worse.  He like to accuse his predecessor of various crimes but this is clearly a real one.
It is arguable how many were victims of this policy, but some were.  Dead young Americans due to his failure to act.
Consider the bruhaha over Benghazi where nothing wrong was actually done.
Are there no patriots left?

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