Tuesday, June 23, 2020


I was reading about how up to 50% of Americans are saying they would not take a vaccine for the coronavirus?
I don't know if that number is accurate and I also know that many people are reluctant to take flu vaccines, but its still surprising.
I don't know if that reflects a general view towards vaccines or the still fairly prevalent belief that this virus isn't as dangerous as it was made out to be.  I suppose as the numbers start to spike is other sites we might see some clarification.
The issue with this virus is that the deadliest part of it actually was somewhat hidden from the general public.  Nursing homes, which are self contained accounted for a large percentage of fatalities.  Yes Hospital in badly affected areas were overwhelmed and the statistics were talked about, but I actually live in a heavily affected area and only was impacted indirectly.
As far as the illness goes.  I was impacted by the closures and the preventative measures, but not because anyone in my household got sick.
I was also pretty immune from the financial impact.
I imagine that many people in states and areas impacted less severely might think it was exaggerated.  I certainly don't want anyone else to get sick but it seems inevitable that we are going to see spikes in areas where precautions are dropped.
The reason the vaccine is so important is that the virus will spread quickly as long as it has unprotected hosts.  Protection should come in one of two ways, get infected or get the vaccine.  One is potentially deadly to you and your loved ones, the other is not.
It doesn't seem logical that so many Americans would opt for the deadly choice.  Has our mistrust of Science led to this? 
We still don't have a vaccine and maybe attitudes will change. 

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