Sunday, June 28, 2020

Civic Duty

Why does it seem lie so many American are willing to believe that the establishment is willing to lie to them?
Yes we have a President who lies all the time, but he is unique and his lies are terrible generally.
He isn't the cause because he got elected because enough Americans believed lies about his opponent.
Speaking of which, as much as the conservative media has attacked the Clinton's over the years, outside of Bill's infidelity nothing else has stuck.  A lot of people seem to believe they know they're guilty but they have managed to avoid prosecution for some reason. 
Other trends that seem ridiculous are things like vaccines cause autism or worse or the moon landing was faked.  The fact that people believe these things despite all the evidence is amazing.
Which brings us to the current virus crisis.
Yes in the early days some officials said masks didn't help.  It hard to understand why since clearly masks while not 100% effective clearly interrupt spreading the virus.  They seemed to think coughing into your elbow was important but wearing a mask wasn't.  Maybe they were trying to avoid a run on masks but if they were, shame on them.
Masks as well as social distancing reduce the spread of the virus.  You also have to avoid touching your face with infected hands and other preventive measures but wearing a mask is in fact the easiest way to reduce risk for you and for others near you.
People who refuse to wear them for perhaps political reasons are idiotic.  The fact that this is considered a political issue is idiotic.  Our response to the virus and our preparedness is somewhat political but staying healthy isn't.
The horse may be out of the barn but there are more horses in there so shut the barn door and wear a mask.
Its actually your civic duty.

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