Thursday, June 4, 2020


What we have seen so far in 2020 is the ability of our President to deal with difficult situations.

 While he wasn't the reason for all the issues but he did have to demonstrate some leadership and oversight.

He didn't do well, although he says he did.

His handling of the coronavirus was atrocious.  He had dismantled our best chance to respond to it, didn't treat it as real, didn't secure enough PEP, spent mor time claiming he did everything right and placed blame wherever he could.  We had the most deaths of any country in the world.

This led to the economic collapse that left unemployment near depression levels.  This was the result of our poor response to the virus and not sure what he could have done better.  His main goal seemed to be to pass the blame and make sure his pals got as much stimulus as possible.

One of the underlying themes of this administration is the support for racism and white supremacists.  This led, at least indirectly to the horrific event in Minneapolis where a group of police killed a handcuffed black man who was already restrained.  As horrific as the video is, it raises the question as to how often did other cases not get video evidence?

The protests and riot that followed were not something he was able to deal with except via hiding and threats.  The looters and protesters were often different groups but we one again had horrific videos.  Certainly there is plenty of blame to go around but when the nation was in chaos we had a delayed presidential response that while giving some acknowledgement to the underlying situation was primarily a threat.  It wasn't effective but as I said there is plenty of blame here.

This has all been accompanied by a drop in the polls which may or may not be indicative of the results in November.   

Other challenges are likely to arise, not the least of which might be the second wave of the virus.

We can be pretty sure there won't be any real leadership then either. 

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